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Thursday, December 18, 2014


My dearest Abs doesn’t like goodbyes, and I firmly believe that this is not goodbye, and that’s why I feel like it’s okay to write this.

It’s hard to describe just how life-changing the last 5 months have been having Abigail Walker as a roommate. If you know her you are lucky, and you are probably aware of how special she is. If you don’t know her, let me tell you a few facts.

This girl is fun. She lights up the room with her smile and laughter. You know there’s something different about her as soon as you catch a glimpse of her sweet spirit (and also her dimples.) I always say that I’m pretty sure every guy wants to be Mr. Abigail Walker.

She is a friend until the end. She listens to the recesses of my heart, she reminds me of the good qualities in myself that I forget I even have. Once she loves you, she’s dedicated to it. And if that means readjusting her plans so she can get breakfast with you before work because you have a sad heart; that’s exactly what she will do.

This girl loves Jesus. Whew. Living with her has helped me to look back over my life and detect the hand of God better than ever before. She sees all the intricate ways that God weaves our world and life’s happenings together for his glory and our good. A day rarely goes by that I don’t hear her audibly and sincerely say, “Thank you Jesus.”  

Our home was marked by huge sodies, watching vines on our completely bare kitchen floor, realizing just how single we are by looking at the contents of our fridge and our walmart sacks, loving the stage of life we’re in, and inviting people to love it with us.

 Abs asked me to make her a cd for her road trip to Montana, so I obv titled it with our hashtag: #lifewithbekandabs

The first song I chose was one she put on a Spotify playlist we listened to when we were together and apart, and one that particularly seemed to describe us.

We prayed over our home, that it would be a place where the Holy Spirit was always welcome and always present. We prayed when people walked into our house they would feel the difference. Then we heard this song:

This was the house where everybody'd hang
ask all my friends they'll tell you the same
Was it the house or was it the gang
Or a phenomenon no one can explain

I pray that we carry on the practice of this house into every space we inhabit: that we welcome the spirit of the living God and his healing presence.

People need a home they can come to and feel a part of, and I’m blessed to have shared one with such a special pal, who I believe said it best:

Each person has a story, just ask them how they like their coffee and rip through the shallow end from there.

Go get em, Abs. 

"But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."