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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Maybe I should have thought of a different blog title...

I guess the title of this blog is somewhat false.  This and future posts will have something to do with me and my life, I guess that's the sole purpose of a blog in the first place right?  Who am I asking, you ask? I really don't know, but another point of a blog is to be cool and savvy, so I must ask rhetorical questions in addition to my wise and humorous anecdotes.  But, (another thing I hear you can do in blogs is throw out all grammar rules ie: beginning a sentence with "but") in all seriousness, I do want this to be a place to reflect my growth and my focus on Jesus Christ.  My Savior. I feel as though even in the first few months of my college experience I've learned so much about myself, God and our relationship, that if I fail to write or blog about it I may forget it all together.  Insert statistic about how you only remember .23% of stuff you don't write down, here.
I don't know what else to write about in my first post other than how I feel about posting my first post. I want to be reflective of all Christ has done for me, so I guess that is why I ultimately chose this title.  My life as a Christ follower in actuality shouldn't be about, well, me.  So, while I choose to reflect upon my life and circumstances, I mostly want to reflect on how Christ is the most important element in all of those circumstances.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for me the rest of this semester, and really the rest of my life.  I know that his work can only go as far as my obedience.  This week I took my first step towards that initial obedience and I went to an assisted living facility here in Bolivar to play Bingo with the residents.  I had felt God nudging me there for quite some time and I finally worked up the courage to go last night.  All the typical fears one has of nursing homes quickly invaded my mind, "What do I say? What do I do? Will they want to talk to me? Will it smell weird?"  (The answer to the last two questions is a resounding yes.)  And as I walked through the front doors, I knew I was nervous, but I knew I was being obedient, and guess what?  I wasn't all that scary.  It was actually great.
God was and still is showing me that in order to be used by Him, sometimes we need to be uncomfortable.  Do you remember the part in the Bible where Jesus says, "Come follow me and you will have the easiest and most comfortable life ever?" You don't? That's because it sounded more like, "When you come follow me you will have nowhere to lay your head."  I don't know about you, but that's not my idea of comfort. But really this life is not about me, or my comfort, it's about His glory.
God also showed me that the people in assisted living and I have a lot in common.  College is our step in between childhood and the real world.  What is college dorm life if not assisted living? We don't generally cook, or pay bills, or do dishes. We have people constantly looking out for us and trying to help us.  We have to move to a new place filled with people we don't know and change our routine to something different than what we've been doing since before we can remember.
All in all, I obviously don't know everything, but I know God has many things He's going to teach me through my time at Butterfield Assisted Living and my time everywhere else, so tune in next time for more.

1 comment:

  1. Beka,
    What beautiful, awe-inspiring words! You are wise for someone just beginning your adult, independent life. I am proud of you!

    Lauren's Mom,
